Short Term Missions
Team 2
Kenya Report 2007
I am delighted to report to you the wonderful things that God did through the short term team that traveled to Nairobi Kenya from Houston. Thanks be to God for the awesome leadership of Windsor Village UMC, its staff, Senior Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell and Pastor Velosia Kibe who is instrumental in spearheading this wonderful work to build Gods Kingdom in Kenya and around the world.
Team 2 was comprised of 3 team members. Although we were small in number we were mighty in strength. When the team from WVUMC arrived in Kenya we all were excited to be in Africa. The team consisted of Darryl Johnson, Henry Wallace and Rebecca Forun. Darryl and Rebecca were blessed to have been a part of PIM during the June 2006 trip to Kenya. This was Henry’s first visit and involvement with Global missions.
Team 2 departed from Houston on July 11th for a 17 day mission. After a long journey, the group set foot in Africa expectant of a mighty move from God. We were greeted by Pastor Velosia & Daniel Kibe.

Week 1
We praise God in the name of Jesus for opening doors for our team to arrive safely with duffle bags full of medical supplies and medications that were donated to the Maua Methodist Hospital. The team members took part in helping to inventory the large amounts of materials that will surely bless the patients at the hospital. Financial donations were made to the hospital to assist in continued health care and outreach cost.
We took a tour of the hospital grounds and later were introduced by Pyppa Johnson (WVUMC) to her new partners in Missions. A delightful bunch who work for ‘Samaritans Purse’. The Samaritans Purse is another outreach organization that works diligently to serve the underclass in Africa and around the world. They have an office located on the hospital grounds. We were given a brief overview of an Aids awareness campaign to reach and educate the youth in Maua and the surrounding areas.
Daily worship:
The team had a wonderful experience of attending the morning church services that are held in the (Chapel) at the Maua complex. We were richly blessed every morning. Our Father entrusted us to lead a morning of the worship celebration. The team took part in singing, scripture reading, testimonials and bringing a refreshing word from God to the people. Each morning approximately 100 to 120 persons attended the Chapel services. After our work here in Kenya is completed, we will never be the same in our spiritual and natural walk with Christ.
Sunday Worship:
On July 15th we attended Sunday worship services with new friends. We began our day with breakfast. At 9:45 a car picked us up to transport us to the church which was located deeper within the Maua area. Pyppa Johnson (whom had been in Africa for a month), was asked to preach a sermon at the church. We had a delightful time in the Lord. Henry was well received by the youth there. They loved us and gave special gifts all around. Pyppa gave a heart warming message to the people and the presence of the Holy Spirit reigned through out the whole worship experience.

Building Aids Home
Maua- New Aids Home Building project:
A servant's heart to build the Kingdom

Week 2
Ministry in Nakuru:
During week 2 of our assignment we spent several days in Nakuru. One of the highlights of this leg of our mission was our 10 am worship experience. Our driver, Peter, made arrangements for us to attend church in Nakuru at the Assemblies of God- House of Prayer. The Senior Pastor Wallace Ndachi and his wife Jane were wonderful host. This meeting was God directed. The sermon was entitled, “What is acceptable to God?” Additionally, Pastor Kibe gave a powerful testimony before the congregation about her life and the trials that God has brought her through. Afterward we all met in the Pastors office and God met us in a mighty way! We prayed for the Pastor and his wife. The Spirit of the Lord was allowed to have his way. This couple were blessed richly and encouraged in the work that they must continue to do in the ministry.
Orphan Visit:
On our journey to Nakuru, we were able to stop in Thompson Falls. We were vessels for the Master’s use by re-visiting the catholic orphanage that is located there. Several of the members hugged and encouraged the little ones bringing smiles to the faces. The children are living with AIDS and the staff/ Nuns were encouraged to see the team. Henry took time to play kick ball while Pyppa and Darryl made new friends and inquired about kids from last year, some of who have passed away. A donation was made 2006 and it was good to see the continued work that God is doing for the beautiful little ones.
Street Children:
Team 2 was taken by Pastor Kibe to the Bethesda Children Center. It is an inner city refuge for ‘street boys’. We were introduced to Mr. Kissinger the founder of the center. We met the boys and the staff. The children blessed us by performing acrobatic routines and proudly showing off their new found skills. We rewarded them with candy and will never forget the new friends that God is blessing us with.
KBC Land Purchase:
“Get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give you. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”
This is what the Lord is indeed doing by opening the door for the land that has been purchased by WVUMC. The 1st phrase of the KBC site is evolving into a creation from God for the orphanage and a chapel for worship. God has used Brother Daniel Kibe and Pastor Velosia as instruments in overseeing the business and spiritual aspects of this large project. We were able to do some painting and light construction at the KBC site. Monies from the missions fund are used to purchase the much needed materials to aid in completing this project. On last year, the team planted trees so we were able to see the project come together in a whole new light.
The children and the surrounding community will be richly blessed by the presence of the KBC site.
Houston Team 2:
Jehovah our God used us to minister to each other on the mission field. We experienced some close calls while in Kenya. We pressed and prayed our way through. We know our heavenly Father as a healer indeed- bringing recovery to Pastor Kibe and other minor aliments that mission volunteer’s face while on the field.
God took us to new levels of revelation in his word through nightly bible studies and prayer sessions. Each member of the team learned leadership skills by facilitating nightly prayer and discussions.
Submitted by:
Min. Rebecca Forun
Team 2 Co-Leader
Team 2
Kenya Report 2007
I am delighted to report to you the wonderful things that God did through the short term team that traveled to Nairobi Kenya from Houston. Thanks be to God for the awesome leadership of Windsor Village UMC, its staff, Senior Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell and Pastor Velosia Kibe who is instrumental in spearheading this wonderful work to build Gods Kingdom in Kenya and around the world.
Team 2 was comprised of 3 team members. Although we were small in number we were mighty in strength. When the team from WVUMC arrived in Kenya we all were excited to be in Africa. The team consisted of Darryl Johnson, Henry Wallace and Rebecca Forun. Darryl and Rebecca were blessed to have been a part of PIM during the June 2006 trip to Kenya. This was Henry’s first visit and involvement with Global missions.
Team 2 departed from Houston on July 11th for a 17 day mission. After a long journey, the group set foot in Africa expectant of a mighty move from God. We were greeted by Pastor Velosia & Daniel Kibe.

Week 1
We praise God in the name of Jesus for opening doors for our team to arrive safely with duffle bags full of medical supplies and medications that were donated to the Maua Methodist Hospital. The team members took part in helping to inventory the large amounts of materials that will surely bless the patients at the hospital. Financial donations were made to the hospital to assist in continued health care and outreach cost.
We took a tour of the hospital grounds and later were introduced by Pyppa Johnson (WVUMC) to her new partners in Missions. A delightful bunch who work for ‘Samaritans Purse’. The Samaritans Purse is another outreach organization that works diligently to serve the underclass in Africa and around the world. They have an office located on the hospital grounds. We were given a brief overview of an Aids awareness campaign to reach and educate the youth in Maua and the surrounding areas.
Daily worship:
The team had a wonderful experience of attending the morning church services that are held in the (Chapel) at the Maua complex. We were richly blessed every morning. Our Father entrusted us to lead a morning of the worship celebration. The team took part in singing, scripture reading, testimonials and bringing a refreshing word from God to the people. Each morning approximately 100 to 120 persons attended the Chapel services. After our work here in Kenya is completed, we will never be the same in our spiritual and natural walk with Christ.
Sunday Worship:
On July 15th we attended Sunday worship services with new friends. We began our day with breakfast. At 9:45 a car picked us up to transport us to the church which was located deeper within the Maua area. Pyppa Johnson (whom had been in Africa for a month), was asked to preach a sermon at the church. We had a delightful time in the Lord. Henry was well received by the youth there. They loved us and gave special gifts all around. Pyppa gave a heart warming message to the people and the presence of the Holy Spirit reigned through out the whole worship experience.

Pyppa speaks @ worship service

Pastor Kibe leads in corporate prayer

Sunday Worship
New Partnerships:
It is through this experience that we were introduced to Rev. Alfred Miheso (originally from Kisumu). Through out our stay in Maua, Rev. Alfred shared his God given vision for the spiritual growth of his churches within that circuit.
We were able to bless the Youth from his church during our week long stay in the area. We gave out ‘inspirational bracelets’ which were well received. Before departing – they gave a wonderful farewell to Pyppa Johnson and during this time we were able to sow seeds of advice and words of wisdom upon the young people. Amidst tears of joy each team member took a turn and shared from our hearts with the people.
During our stay, Dr Mueti’ and this wife Grace invited us to have fellowship and dinner at their home. As the presence of God came forth tears of joy flowed upon each person who was present. We were able to exchange ideas and concepts concerning more work projects to be done in Maua.
Future Plans:
Wonderful News came upon our departure. Rev. Alfred and Dr. Mueti’ have been so moved by WVUMC that they are now inspired to form local youth soccer teams in order to draw the youth in the community. The teams will serve as an avenue for witnessing the good news of Jesus among the young people. During the end of soccer playoffs there will be 2 trophies given
The second place will be called the McKenna cup
The first place award will be called the Windsor Village cup.
We see the hand of God at work as he is using the UMC to reach the world and to encourage one another for the building up of the Kingdom.
It is through this experience that we were introduced to Rev. Alfred Miheso (originally from Kisumu). Through out our stay in Maua, Rev. Alfred shared his God given vision for the spiritual growth of his churches within that circuit.
We were able to bless the Youth from his church during our week long stay in the area. We gave out ‘inspirational bracelets’ which were well received. Before departing – they gave a wonderful farewell to Pyppa Johnson and during this time we were able to sow seeds of advice and words of wisdom upon the young people. Amidst tears of joy each team member took a turn and shared from our hearts with the people.
During our stay, Dr Mueti’ and this wife Grace invited us to have fellowship and dinner at their home. As the presence of God came forth tears of joy flowed upon each person who was present. We were able to exchange ideas and concepts concerning more work projects to be done in Maua.
Future Plans:
Wonderful News came upon our departure. Rev. Alfred and Dr. Mueti’ have been so moved by WVUMC that they are now inspired to form local youth soccer teams in order to draw the youth in the community. The teams will serve as an avenue for witnessing the good news of Jesus among the young people. During the end of soccer playoffs there will be 2 trophies given
The second place will be called the McKenna cup
The first place award will be called the Windsor Village cup.
We see the hand of God at work as he is using the UMC to reach the world and to encourage one another for the building up of the Kingdom.

Maua- New Aids Home Building project:

The construction project was one of the most amazing works of God. The team members volunteered to be part of the building project that provided a new shelter for 2 orphaned children and their elderly grandparents. The building of this home (under the direction of our construction leader – Darryl Johnson), was truly a labor of love on the part of this group. The team rose early every morning to begin the work of sawing, nailing and painting. Funds from the mission team were used to purchase the wood and building materials for this project. With God’s grace the house was completed in 4 days. On the day of completion the entire team gathered to lay hands on and bless this precious dwelling. This team truly displayed a servant’s heart.

Week 2
Ministry in Nakuru:
During week 2 of our assignment we spent several days in Nakuru. One of the highlights of this leg of our mission was our 10 am worship experience. Our driver, Peter, made arrangements for us to attend church in Nakuru at the Assemblies of God- House of Prayer. The Senior Pastor Wallace Ndachi and his wife Jane were wonderful host. This meeting was God directed. The sermon was entitled, “What is acceptable to God?” Additionally, Pastor Kibe gave a powerful testimony before the congregation about her life and the trials that God has brought her through. Afterward we all met in the Pastors office and God met us in a mighty way! We prayed for the Pastor and his wife. The Spirit of the Lord was allowed to have his way. This couple were blessed richly and encouraged in the work that they must continue to do in the ministry.
Orphan Visit:
On our journey to Nakuru, we were able to stop in Thompson Falls. We were vessels for the Master’s use by re-visiting the catholic orphanage that is located there. Several of the members hugged and encouraged the little ones bringing smiles to the faces. The children are living with AIDS and the staff/ Nuns were encouraged to see the team. Henry took time to play kick ball while Pyppa and Darryl made new friends and inquired about kids from last year, some of who have passed away. A donation was made 2006 and it was good to see the continued work that God is doing for the beautiful little ones.
Street Children:
Team 2 was taken by Pastor Kibe to the Bethesda Children Center. It is an inner city refuge for ‘street boys’. We were introduced to Mr. Kissinger the founder of the center. We met the boys and the staff. The children blessed us by performing acrobatic routines and proudly showing off their new found skills. We rewarded them with candy and will never forget the new friends that God is blessing us with.
KBC Land Purchase:
“Get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give you. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”
This is what the Lord is indeed doing by opening the door for the land that has been purchased by WVUMC. The 1st phrase of the KBC site is evolving into a creation from God for the orphanage and a chapel for worship. God has used Brother Daniel Kibe and Pastor Velosia as instruments in overseeing the business and spiritual aspects of this large project. We were able to do some painting and light construction at the KBC site. Monies from the missions fund are used to purchase the much needed materials to aid in completing this project. On last year, the team planted trees so we were able to see the project come together in a whole new light.
The children and the surrounding community will be richly blessed by the presence of the KBC site.
Houston Team 2:
Jehovah our God used us to minister to each other on the mission field. We experienced some close calls while in Kenya. We pressed and prayed our way through. We know our heavenly Father as a healer indeed- bringing recovery to Pastor Kibe and other minor aliments that mission volunteer’s face while on the field.
God took us to new levels of revelation in his word through nightly bible studies and prayer sessions. Each member of the team learned leadership skills by facilitating nightly prayer and discussions.
Submitted by:
Min. Rebecca Forun
Team 2 Co-Leader