KBC Children Monthly ExpensesThe names of the 10 children are:
Teresia, Margaret, Serah, Rachel, Christine, Maria, Wambui, Isaac, John, and Elias
The Kingdom builders Children’s Center has monthly expenses as follows:
Medical: Many of our children came to us sick. In the first month, August, we dealt with toothache, a viral infection, an ear infection, wounds, ringworm, coughs, cavities, stomach aches, and the effects of malnutrition. T take care of these problems, we spent around $500.
However, getting the children healthy and keeping them healthy has been an ongoing process.
Clothing: We were blessed with clothes donations from the Church which gave each child two outfits at first. However, due to normal wear and tear as well as the need for warmer clothes, we have had to purchase more clothing as the money became available.
Church: The children continue to be spiritually fed at home. They pray before every meal and they hear a Bible story every night before bedtime. The children are surrounded by Scripture on the walls of the Center, and on their beds. Perhaps one of their greatest delights is singing Christian children’s songs on tape or CD. Our greatest desire is that these children will grow up knowing Jesus. Therefore, we continue to need additional materials which will aid us in teaching them about Him. In the future, we will be building a Church on the KBC site.
Food: We spend about $500 each month on supplies (budget details on file with the Church office) on supplies, soap, toilet tissue, etc. The food consists largely of cabbage, beans, rice, and breads. We have expanded that a little to include some meat (chicken and beef) as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables (apples, pineapple, bananas, pumpkin, spinach, peas, carrots, etc.) so that the children get the nutrients they need.
School: Our older children attend Matunda Primary School. Since the school is public, the costs are minimal. However, our children needed uniforms and materials which cost $350. We will have to continue buying uniforms and educational materials as needed.
The younger children are taught by Nursery School teachers who are employed as housemothers by the project. They have school Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:45pm
Employees: We have been blessed with employees who have hearts for the orphans of Kenya. Among our employees we have a housemother and assistant housemother, cook, gardener, night watchman, a social worker, and an onsite program coordinator. They are a great asset to the facility. Their combined salaries cost $700.
Site: The site presently has a large multipurpose activity room, six bedrooms, 4 rest rooms, and a large kitchen/cafeteria. This completed first phase is equipped to provide housing for 30 children. We have a well which provides water and a diesel generator that provides electricity four hours a day. The diesel cost about $100 a month plus any needed repairs.
We would like to see the site expand to the final phases so we can care for more children and provide more services to the community.
Monetary Donations
The financial needs of supporting the KBC-Kenya ministry can be overwhelming, but God, in His sovereign power, has given us resources to start our mission and the KBC –Childrens Center He will provide to meet our needs.
Could it be through you?
Whatever God moves you to donate will be a blessing to you, to us and to the orphans of Africa.
When you send your check, please make the check out to Windsor Village U.M.C. with “KBC –Kenya” in the memo section and send it to the address at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
Windsor Village U.M.C. 6000 Heatherbrook Houston, Texas 77045
"... He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them." Mark 10:16