Jamaica Mission Team

Nine missionaries from Windsor Village UMC with eight missionaries from Boynton UMC united to become one missionary team to serve the people of St Mary’s Parish, Jamaica.
The team began the mornings with praise, prayer and God’s power in His presence. The days ended with devotion, praise, prayer and God’s purpose fulfilled on each day. The team’s plans were to serve the community of St. Mary Parish by repairing Wesleyan Church on the mountain 4000ft up, and provide Vacation Bible School. We soon found out that God’s plan was for us to minister to any need that came before us. As Vacation Bible School was in progress with the children, there were also teenagers and young adults to be ministered to. Two of the ladies began to minster to the young ladies, while one of the men on the team ministered to the young men. Several of the middle age children were given praise and worship dance techniques, so that they may glorify God in dance.
Those who request prayer for family needs were prayed for. Those that had special needs to further their life pursuit, resources were provided. There was a continuous sharing of faith, love, and personal testimonies to the people. The people of the Parish became a part of our lives as well as we had become a part of theirs.
The team began to repair lives as well as repairing a 150 year old church building. The church banner reminded us that: “We all have this MINISTRY – A call to EVANGELIZE.”

Wesleyan Church